We Could Be a Fit to Work Together:

  • Everything is energy and what’s troubling you can be healed. It’s ok for you to need support once in a while.

  • Yet you are so tired of everyone looking to you to do all the work of keeping their ships afloat! You want everyone to think you’re totally carpeing the hell outta these diems and all that…but in reality?  On some level, you’re sad. Maybe you feel a bit lost and aimless. Cranky with your people. Wandering around with this nagging feeling that you’re not doing enough, earning enough, helping enough, creating enough, parenting enough, partnering enough, BEING enough—that you’re wasting your time, your hours, your days, your life.

  • You’re worried there’s nothing special about you that people need. So when that doesn’t materialize, you worry that you’re doing it wrong somehow. You’re scared that what you have to offer isn't worth giving because it means your gifts are not needed in this world, perhaps even that YOU are valueless.

  • …are curious and active participants in the vulnerable, honest pursuit of their own growth. They have a desire to dig deep and are open to support. In fact, they may or may not have an office support pet to help them in that regard (like my kitties Stella and Copernicus).

    This could be you if you also have a great sense of humour, are ready to take accountability for your own results and are always, always looking to deepen your self awareness no matter if that’s through Buzz Feed quizzes, Human Design, Myers Briggs or Enneagram personality typing, archetypes or even which Hogwart’s House you belong to (🙋‍♀️ shout out to my fellow Manifesting Generators, INFPs, Enneagram Type 9 Peacemakers, Nurturers and Hufflepuffs).

My work is available WORLDWIDE via Zoom and offers you a fresh approach to overcoming what’s holding you back by getting you to the roots of your problem. And because my work does that - it beautifully complements other coaching, mindset & modalities you may already be working with as it heals you on a deeper level than you've reached before.

My sessions help you release the unseen wounds, memories and misunderstood trauma trapped in your body WITHOUT years of processing it over and over again. It’s still work though. Dramatically practical, soul-shifting work that realigns you not just with your Higher Self but your favorite self. The one who is here to do something with your life that’s important, even if you’re still on the road to discovering what that is.

My work is for you even if you’ve tried everything else and failed…

The unique process at the core of my work is called Subconscious Imprinting Technique (SIT) and it blends science and energy medicine to help you breakthrough what’s holding you back.

SIT draws it’s efficacy from a powerful blend of energy wisdom founded in the 2,200 year old wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (also used in modern Acupuncture), Applied Kinesiology and the current brain/body/energy works and research of Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Candace Pert, Karol Truman, and Dr. Annette Cargioli.


How SIT Works:

A first Subconscious Imprinting session is typically 90 minutes with follow up sessions running 60-75 minutes. Every SIT session follows a simple 4-step process:

  • We'll start with having you explain to me what you want to work on and how it makes you feel.

  • Then we talk about how you want to feel moving forward.

  • I use applied kinesiology (also known as muscle testing) to find a time in your life that is connected to the current situation. We talk about what I have found and gather more information to guide the session.

  • In the last part of the session, you get comfy, cozy and I craft repeat-after-me targeted statements that will allow your body to neutralize the emotions that created limits for you. Then we move into statements that create how you want to feel moving forward.

  • Talking about any questions that may have come up. I will suggest ways or ideas to integrate and support yourself and your body while it shifts from the session. I will also explain how you may feel over the next few days and check in with you a couple of days after your session to see if you need any additional support.

  • Yes and no. There are times when I will not work with someone and there are specific instances where I refer clients and potential clients to other trained individuals:

    • If you don’t believe you can heal your issue, working with me through SIT isn’t for you.

    • I work with PTSD but Complex PTSD and Mood Disorders are outside of my expertise.

    • If you have chronic body illness or pain with symptoms that persist and do not improve with SIT - I will advise you to seek medical attention.

    • Long-term Substance Addictions should not rely on SIT as their main protocol for recovery. You will be advised to seek medical facilities that are equipped to support your addiction recovery.

    • If you have a high amount of prescribed medications, I will require you to be monitored by a physician. Emotion release work can alter hormone function in the body; your physician will ensure the dose of your medication is appropriate.

    • If you have unmedicated and uncontrolled high blood pressure and have not seen your doctor - I will be re-directing you to your physician immediately.

    • If you have been diagnosed with cancer - you require a support TEAM which includes consulting your physician for treatment. I am happy to be part of your team and I encourage you to not rely solely on S.I.T as your main therapy.

    • Suicidal Ideation – This will never be taken lightly. It is necessary that you have a support network (psychologist/therapist, family, friends) in place prior to receiving SIT. If I am your first point of contact, I will help you with those referrals and yes, I can also be on your TEAM.

  • Often times, you need anywhere between one – seven sessions for us to accurately get where you want to go.

    I find the MOST movement happens in four sessions.

  • Calm, peace, and relaxation are waiting for you in a SIT session. This unique process helps you shed what's on your heart so you can connect deeper to your life. Feel more at home in you. Lead you closer to feeling lasting joy and freedom, stronger relationships, and acting on ideas that you have been procrastinating on.

    SIT sessions can also initiate what we practitioners lovingly refer to as "cellular barfing" which can often feel like a cold or flu, fatigue, extreme hunger cravings, thirst, and emotional fluctuations. I encourage and support my clients in taking extra care of their needs after each session.


What Happens as a Result of Working with Me?

“I've been working with Lisa on self-empowerment and self-expression. During our sessions, I felt deeply understood, heard and seen by Lisa on an energetic level (she is so great at holding space). I was very surprised at the amount of energy that was moved in my body. I leave each session feeling lighter and I noticed I had deep dreams and I felt more focused and confident about my daily life. In just 2 sessions, I feel like I have a better relationship with myself, my body and my self-esteem. The SIT process is very empowering - I want to help it reach more humans! ”


  • More happiness

  • More success (however you define it)

  • A-ha moments where suddenly everything makes sense

  • Feeling more at home in your skin.

  • Release from pain

  • Spontaneous joyfulness

  • Feeling expansive

  • A deep sense of calm and grounding

  • Feeling hopeful for the future

  • And a feeling of decisiveness and clarity

Monthly Support:

Investment starts at $2997 for 3 months (for FAQs about monthly support, see below)

To Inquire about Booking:

Sometimes you get complete relief on a particular issue in 1 session but more often I find that related issues or deeper layers pop up to be addressed. With this in mind, I offer a range of services to meet your needs:

Single Session*:

$125 (up to 75 minutes)

*can be used for SIT or a one-off hybrid coaching session to help you get past setbacks, disappointments and the unexpected that crop up during intense periods of growth including spiritual awakenings, life/career transitions and while following certain life paths - looking at you entrepreneurs, healers, nurturers, multipotentialites, peacemakers and restorers!


  • As a quick overview, the main components of my support program is 3 or 6 months in duration and includes:

    Each month provides 1 SIT session, 1 Integration Week plus 2 Coaching Sessions (which could be switched to a SIT session, oracle card reading, intuitive Life reading or other hybrid session as needed - we’re all human, stuff comes up! So we’ll respond accordingly as we go along).

    Plus you receive:

    • Pre & Post session support tools, processes & meditations as needed

    • A shared online journal to chart, share insights and breakthroughs with me and integrate your progress

    • Personalized clearing statements; and much more.

    • Access to me via the app Telegram during office hours for in-between-session support

  • I am not a typical coach. In addition to all the standard coaching tools gathered in my experiences and former career as a Human Resources professional, I also draw from the following to help you get the results you want:

    • in process to be Certified Life Reader (mentored by Sonia Choquette)

    • Subconscious Imprinting Level 2 certified practitioner

    • Trauma and Psychological Safety 9 month certification in process through ITPS)

    • Appreciative Inquiry - a strengths-based, positive approach to developmental change.

    • Oracle Card readings

    • Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map

    • Barbara Sher’s Success Teams for Scanners/Multipotentialite’s

    • Access Consciousness

    My unique coaching process uses all my gifts to help you learn about your patterns, heal wounds that created these patterns and reprogram new habits that lead to a more purposeful, happier, healthier you.

  • Monthly Support - reach out and let’s have a conversation. You have a 2 week trial period on any support package 3 months or longer.

    Single Sessions - no refunds.

  • I work with a lot of chronically stressed over-givers who (just like I used to…) try to get by reading the books, doing the meditations, following people on social media and collecting the freebies… but they’re still frustrated with their results or continue to feel distracted, derailed and drained. If you don’t have a coach who sees the best in you, to help you quickly overcome hurdles while keeping you accountable, you’ll remain on the slow road to progress. What we resist, persists.

    Making room on your plate for P4 will likely lead to less on your plate as you learn to work with your emotions in ways you haven’t yet been able to, putting yourself first and redefining priorities & boundaries...but only you know if you feel ready to commit to adding P4 to your life right now.

  • Only if you want it to, and only in the best way. The truth is growth is often uncomfortable, messy and full of feelings you weren't expecting.

    Your biggest breakthroughs won’t be loud and abrupt. They’ll be specks of alchemy sprinkled into each new experience you begin to have…one change after another ultimately reshaping the entirety of your life as you know it. You’re looking different. You’re moving differently. You’re feeling different.

    And suddenly you’re not just drawing a new picture…you’ve swapped out the entire canvas for a new one.

    That’s the magic…

  • Reach out using the chat button below - I’d love to hear what’s on your mind and create a way for us to connect to talk about it.